Refund Policy
Thank you for shopping with Bargain Buys, we are grateful for your business.
Please note that we are able to offer vouchers at discounted rates because they come with terms and conditions. One of the terms is that there are refund limitations.
Refund Application Procedure
The application must:
- Be in writing AND
- Sent to [email protected] AND
- Include the Bargain Buys login email address of the applicant AND
- Include the voucher serial number for which the refund is requested.
Cash Refunds
Cash refunds are given when:
- the voucher has been in the possession of the customer for less than five days AND
- the application for the refund is in writing AND
- the applicant warrants, in writing, that the voucher has not been redeemed.
Credit Refunds
Credit refunds may be given when:
- The application for the refund is in writing AND
- The applicant warrants, in writing, that the voucher has not been redeemed AND
- The applicant provides, in writing, the reason for the refund request AND
- The voucher has been in the customers possession for less than the time limits below:
- 60 days for vouchers unaffected by the government lockdown rules.
- 60 days plus the time that voucher has been in the customers possession and could not be used due to the business being closed by government lock down rules.
Bargain Buys will consider the reason for the credit request and notify the customer within five working days if the credit has been granted.
No Refunds
No refunds are given when:
- Vouchers have been in a customer’s possession for more than 60 days from the request date.
- The user of the voucher has failed to comply with Bargain Buys terms and conditions.
- The user of the voucher has failed to comply with the terms, conditions, rules and regulations of the service provider.
- The Voucher that will expire in 30 days or less from the request date.
Coronavirus - Vouchers bought before 27 March 2020
Refunds are not given because of the coronavirus. However, all vouchers will have their Expiry Dates extended by the number of days for which the voucher could not be used as a result of the government imposed lockdown.
Coronavirus - Vouchers bought during lockdown
Vouchers bought during the government imposed lockdown have already had their Expiry Dates extended. No additional days will be added to the Expiry Date.