• Kip McGrath Walmer Tutoring Service in Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape


7 Months Tutoring

Voucher Limitations

Subject to availability. Booking essential.

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Kip McGrath Education Centres offer a FREE assessment to determine a child's level in Maths, English or Afrikaans. This information is used to create an individualised programme to help a child excel in the chosen subject area. The programme consists of a combination of written and computer-based activities. Professional tutors assist children with these activities and also focus on specific challenging concepts. Children are also assisted with exam preparation and study skills courses are offered to help children to study independently.

EMS, Accounting and Business Studies lessons are offered to high school students.

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Website: https://www.kipmcgrath.co.za/walmer
Contact Number: 041 581 0812

Kip McGrath Walmer Tutoring Service in Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape

7 Months Tutoring

R 4725.00

R 9450.00




R 4725


Voucher expires in 353 days

How to use Our Vouchers

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